Pet Sitting in Clarksdale

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home a few times a day to feed and play with your dog.

I'm looking for service for my:
House Sitting
Drop-In Visits
Doggy Day Care
Dog Walking
One Time
Repeat Weekly
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What size are your dogs (lbs)?
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Rover also offers Pet Sitting & Drop Ins in:

The next time you head out of town and need someone to take care of your pets - and check in on you home - turn to Rover. It's easy to find a loving pet sitter on Rover who'll give your pet one-on-one attention while you're away, and take care of your home. Search from hundreds of trusted pet sitters near you, read sitter profiles, and reach out to sitters who seem like a good fit for you and your pet(s). We know it can be tough to leave your pet, which is why we encourage every pet parent and sitter to have a Meet & Greet before booking the stay. Then, when you're ready, book and pay for your house and pet sitter all through Rover - it's easy, safe, and cashless. You'll have the peace of mind knowing that your sitter has free premium insurance, a team of safety experts available 24/7, and will send you cute photo updates throughout the stay. Rover is the easiest way to find trustworthy pet sitters and avoid the kennel.

Drop-In Visits