Loving pet care in your neighborhoodâ„¢

Book trusted sitters and dog walkers.

I'm looking for service for my:
House Sitting
Drop-In Visits
Doggy Day Care
Dog Walking
My Dog Size
0 - 15 lbs
16 - 40 lbs
41 - 100 lbs
101+ lbs
Dog Training
1-1 virtual dog training through GoodPup, the newest member of the Rover family.

Services for every dog and cat

Services for every dog and cat

  • Boarding
    Your pets stay overnight in your sitter’s home. They’ll be treated like part of the family in a comfortable environment.
  • House Sitting
    Your sitter takes care of your pets and your house. Your pets will get all the attention they need from the comfort of home.
  • Dog Walking
    Your dog gets a walk around your neighborhood. Perfect for busy days and dogs with extra energy to burn.
  • Doggy Day Care
    Your dog spends the day at your sitter’s home. Drop them off in the morning and pick up a happy pup in the evening.
  • Drop-In Visits
    Your sitter drops by your home to play with your pets, offer food, and give potty breaks or clean the litter box.
  • Dog Training through GoodPup
    Private, virtual dog training through GoodPup. Train from the comfort of your home through 1-1 video chat.
rover protect homepage image of human and pet


Find peace of mind with every booking.

Screened pet sitters have already passed a third-party background check and show verified reviews from other pet parents, like you.

rover protect homepage image of human and pet

Messaging & photo updates from your sitter during each stay.

The Rover Guarantee can protect you and your pet for up to $25,000 in eligible vet care. Learn more

24/7 support from the Rover team–here to help if you ever need someone to talk to.

Services booked on Rover are backed by RoverProtect and reservation protection. Modified terms apply to bookings with day care centers. GoodPup not included.

I was nervous to leave Sam with strangers, but my worries quickly faded. Going forward Rover will be my first choice for pet sitting. - Molly S.

My sitter took great care of my cat, above and beyond my expectations. I would book with Rover again in a heartbeat! - Danielle H.

Meet local sitters who will treat your pets like family

  1. 1. Search

    Read verified reviews by pet parents like you and choose a screened sitter who’s a great match for you and your pets.
  2. 2. Book & pay

    No cash or checks needed—we make it simple to book and make secured payments through our website or app.
  3. 3. Relax

    Stay in touch with photos and messaging. Plus, your booking is backed by RoverProtect, including 24/7 support and reimbursement for eligible vet care.

Connect anywhere with the Rover app