Over 80 million pet care services have been booked by our community of loving pet people.
Every booking has the tools to help keep you and your pet safe.
Screened pet sitters
Find pet sitters and dog walkers who have already passed a third-party background check. See how many repeat clients a sitter has and read verified reviews from pet parents, like you, to choose someone who’s a great match for you and your pets.
The Rover Guarantee
If your pet needs vet care during a booking, the Rover Guarantee can help them get it-fast. Every booking made on Rover is backed by the Rover Guarantee, which includes up to $25,000 reimbursement for eligible vet care.
24/7 support
Rover team members and safety resources are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We love animals and we know how important it is to be able to talk to someone in the event of a problem. During every booking, your sitter also has access to advice from qualified veterinary professionals.
Messaging & photos
Never wonder how it's going—use Rover messages to get adorable photo updates and stay in touch with your sitter. Sitters can use a Rover Card to share when they arrive and leave a map of any walks.
Sitters and dogs on Rover have walked over 18.6 million miles together—that’s about 747 times around the globe!
Discover trusted pet sitters in your neighborhood.
Frequently asked questions about RoverProtect
No, RoverProtect is already included for all pet care booked on Rover, and is covered by our service fees.
No, RoverProtect is only included when you book pet care on Rover. Booking and paying off Rover leaves you unprotected, excluding you from benefits like the Rover Guarantee, 24/7 support, and reservation protection. Booking on Rover also gives you a record of any messages between you and your sitter in your Rover inbox.
In the rare instance a sitter or dog walker needs to cancel last minute, we’ve got your back. Every booking made through Rover includes reservation protection. This includes a full refund if your booking is canceled within seven days of the service start date, Rover credit towards the cost of another booking, and help finding a new sitter if needed.
Protecting your personal information is something we take seriously. When you book and pay on Rover, your bank account details are secured and your payment data is encrypted. Pet parents are charged before the booking begins and sitters are paid 48 hours after it ends, keeping payments fair and timely for both parties.
Yes, we provide a variety of safety resources for pet parents and sitters in our safety center. This includes an overview of Rover safety features, a Meet & Greet guide explaining what to look for when meeting a new sitter, and top tips from pet sitters with amazing safety records.
In the rare instance that something goes wrong during a booking, we've got your back. Every booking made on Rover is backed by the Rover Guarantee which includes 24/7 support and up to $25,000 in vet care for eligible claims. We care about the health and well-being of your pets and want to give pet care providers the confidence to act quickly in an emergency. We will also take action in response to conduct that is inappropriate, unsafe, or dishonest, as explained in our Terms of Service.
My sitter was very sweet and attentive! I knew she spent a lot of time with my boys and she stayed in touch like I like. She cleaned my bulldog's eyes and put drops in them and gave them yummy treats. I felt extremely safe having her take care of them. Thank you!