About Rover

Welcome to the world’s largest network of 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers.

We believe everyone deserves the unconditional love of a pet—and at Rover, our mission is to make it easier to experience that love.

Founded in 2011, the Rover app and website connect dog and cat parents with loving pet sitters and dog walkers in neighborhoods across the US, Canada, the UK, and Europe.

We empower our community of trusted pet sitters and dog walkers to run their own pet care businesses on Rover with the tools and security of a global company to back them.

Millions of services booked.
Thousands of wagging tails.

neighborhoods around the world
2+ million
pet parents have booked pet care through Rover
of 5-star reviews from pet parents

Loving pet care in your neighborhood

Discover 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers near you. We support our community with features like:

  • Verified reviews by pet parents
  • Sitter background or identity checks
  • Meet & Greets to find the perfect fit
  • Reservation protection for every booking
  • 24/7 support for pet parents and sitters
  • Vet advice for sitters during bookings
  • A team of trust and safety experts
  • Ongoing sitter education resources
  • Vet care reimbursement through the Rover Guarantee

Good pets. Good people.

Whether you need a dog walker for the day, overnight boarding for a month, or daily visits for your cat, there’s a sitter on Rover who’s the perfect match for you, your pets, and your lifestyle. Sitters on Rover offer:

  • Boarding
  • Pet Sitting
  • Dog Walking
  • Doggy Day Care
  • Drop-in Visits
  • House Sitting

Our pets are our family

They’re there for us when we need it most, and at Rover we’re there for them too. We believe this focus on treating pets like family is part of why more than 42 million services have been booked on Rover.

Our leadership

smiling man petting a big black and brown dog

Aaron Easterly

Chief Executive Officer
laughing man holding a grey and white striped cat

Brent Turner

President and Chief Operating Officer
smiling man sitting with a large tan dog

Charlie Wickers

Chief Financial Officer
smiling woman holding a small tan dog

Megan Teepe

smiling woman kneeling by a white dog with brown and black spots

Melissa Weiland

General Counsel
smiling woman with a white cat on her lap

Jennifer Capasso

VP, Product
smiling man sitting on a bench with a small black dog

Matthew Sternberg

VP, Data Science and Analytics
smiling woman holding a black and white small dog

Megan Evert

VP, Operations
smiling man holding a small curly haired white dog

Philip Kimmey

Co-Founder & VP, Engineering
smiling woman holding the leash of a large curly haired brown dog

Heather Buser

VP, Accounting
smiling woman petting a small white and brown dog

Jovana Teodorovic

VP, People and Culture

Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion

At Rover, we honor and value people and pets with diverse backgrounds. We are intentional about our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, which we demonstrate through our internal DEI Committee, Employee Resource Groups, and DEI Director which put these values at the forefront of everything we do, every day.

Grow a pet-sitting business

We empower pet sitters and dog walkers around the world to offer their own services on Rover by giving them the tools to succeed.

Learn more

Come work (and play!) with us

At Rover, our furry coworkers are just as important as our human ones—and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Want to join our pack? We’re hiring.