- Not a substitute for professional veterinary help.
Do you have a dog that likes to nibble on your unmentionables? It’s fairly common for dogs to eat things they shouldn’t, including the fabric in your most fetching pair of knickers. But having your dogs eat your underwear isn’t just annoying. It can also pose a major health risk.
We consulted several veterinarians and pet experts for advice on what to do if your dog eats underwear. We also explore why dogs eat them in the first place and how to prevent the behavior from happening. Here’s what we found out.
Why Does My Dog Like Eating My Underwear?
Dr. Alex Crow, a licensed veterinarian and owner of Pet Health Guru, boils it down to three reasons. Dogs eat underwear because they like the scent, the chewy texture, and because the undergarments remind them of their human.
They like the smell
Dogs are drawn to odors, and smell is one of their most important senses. Sniffing gives them crucial information about a particular object and where it’s been. Since your underwear travels throughout the day with you and is often particularly smelly, it could be why your pup is particularly interested in them.
They want to chew
Dr. Crow also points out that some dogs may find the texture of the underwear fabric intriguing and enjoy chewing on it.
Other dogs, like young puppies, may be teething, leading them to use your skivvies as a chew toy to find relief. Chewing can also be a result of dog anxiety, OCD, or boredom.
They want to interact with you
Still other dogs may just love having an item that reminds them of their pet parent. Some dogs may have also realized that it gets them noticed and enjoy the game of chase that ensues after they pick up underwear or socks, as Terri Bright, PhD, a board-certified animal behaviorist points out. “They get chased all around the house by their owner, who wasn’t paying a bit of attention to them before.”
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Underwear?
While some dogs will just nibble on underwear, others will eat pieces of—or even entire—undergarments. If your dog has ingested any part of your underwear, here’s some step-by-step advice to help you work through it.
1. Call your vet for advice
Dr. Kathryn Dench, an integrative veterinarian at Paw Origins, recommends that pet parents contact their veterinarian immediately if they suspect their dog has ingested underwear. Your dog is at risk for a bacteria infection of blocked digestive tract. “Your dog could pick up some harmful bacteria, which can cause GI upset,” says Dr. Candy Akers, DVM, a holistic veterinarian based in Colorado,
An intestinal blockage, however, is the more serious issue. In a 2018 case analysis of 72 gastrointestinal foreign body (GFB) surgeries in dogs, eating cloth accounted for 13% of all procedures. “When the fabric becomes trapped in the dog’s digestive tract, it can prevent food and fluids from passing through,” Dr. Akers explains. “In some cases, emergency surgery may be necessary to remove the blockage.”
2. Bring your dog to the clinic if required
Once on the phone, the veterinarian will likely ask questions about your dog’s size, breed, and condition, as well as the size and material of the garment. Depending on the severity of the situation, you may have to bring your dog into the clinic.
Once there, a vet will examine your dog and may recommend an X-ray or ultrasound. Depending on the imaging results, your vet may need to intervene by inducing vomiting, giving a laxative, or performing an endoscopy or surgery.
3. Monitor your dog
If the vet doesn’t need to see your dog immediately, you’ll want to monitor your dog and take special note of any changes in behavior, like lethargy, discomfort, or changes in bowel habits. To monitor for signs of gastrointestinal blockage, look out for the following symptoms:
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Anorexia or not wanting to eat
- Not going to the bathroom
- Diarrhea
When in doubt, always seek expert advice.
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How To Keep My Dog from Eating Underwear
Thankfully, it’s possible to curb this behavior with a few adjustments. Here are some recommendations backed by our experts.
Alleviate boredom
If you think your dog munches on pants out of boredom, Dr. Akers recommends keeping them occupied with “brain games,” like puzzle toys or hide-and-seek games.
If your dog likes to stay busy by chewing, consider providing more appropriate chew toys to capture their interest. Your underwear might seem a lot less appealing compared to a classic KONG filled with dog-safe peanut butter.
Work on training
If your dog doesn’t already know the cue “drop it,” now is a perfect time to teach them. While they’re still learning, Dr. Dench advises not to chase your dog if they get hold of your underwear, as it can escalate the situation and turn it into a fun game.
Instead, use a trade to have them drop your undies. Just make sure you’re trading them for an item of higher value, like a yummy frozen treat. That way, it’s a win-win situation. Your little rebel gets something they want, and you can return your underwear to its rightful drawers.
Implement management
Keeping your dog away from your underwear is really one of the best ways to prevent them from eating it in the first place.
Pick up any stray undergarments littering the floor, and limit access to clothing your dog might be tempted to chew. Store your clean or dirty clothes in the laundry room or closet, get laundry baskets with lids, and block off certain areas of the house with dog gates or by simply closing the door.
If your dog can’t locate your laundry, they can’t snack on your briefs. This means you can keep them safe from a scary trip to the pet ER—and your tighty whities can live another day.