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Matching costumes can be a controversial topic when it comes to human couples, but matching dog and owner Halloween costumes? There’s no cuter way to show off your bond come Halloween.
Before you dress up for the holiday, take your dog’s tolerance for clothes and costumes into consideration. Perhaps your pup would prefer a simple Halloween collar or bandana—no big deal, you can make that work.
Or maybe he or she would prefer to be left alone in quiet solitude for the day; that’s OK, too. After all, with all the unpredictability of the day—including strange costumes, unfamiliar visitors, and the constant ringing of the doorbell—Halloween can be stressful for dogs. But if your dog—or cat—is comfortable in clothing, you’re going to want to try one of these matching dog and owner Halloween costumes. From timeless classics to current pop culture trends, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite ideas.
Keep in mind that when shopping for a Halloween costume for your dog, the most important consideration is size. Because dog costumes are not all manufactured in the same way, your pet could be a medium in one costume and an extra-large in another, so be sure to measure your dog and use your pet’s measurements and the product size chart as a guide to ensure their best fit.
The 15 Best Matching Dog and Owner Halloween Costumes
1. Dinosaur and Ranger from “Jurassic World”
Hang on to your butts! All you’ll need for this easy “Jurassic Park” or “Jurassic World” matching dog and owner costume is this dinosaur for the dog, and a khaki vest and “Jurassic Park” ranger patch for yourself.
Shop Dino on Amazon Shop Ranger Patch on Amazon2. Matching Buzz Lightyear and Woody from “Toy Story” Dog and Owner Costumes
Take your matching dog and owner Halloween costumes to infinity and beyond with these coordinating Buzz and Woody getups from “Toy Story.” The Buzz costume is available in six sizes to suit a variety of dog breeds and comes with a soft light-up jet pack that attaches to the back of the shirt.
Find Buzz Lightyear on Chewy Find Woody on Amazon3. Matching Bee and Flower Dog and Owner Costumes
This cute matching dog and owner costume is easy to understand on first glance, avoiding, “And who are you two supposed to be?” all night long. Just a few clicks of your mouse and it’s a cinch to put together this matching dog and owner costume set! (Alternately, you could easily be the flower with a fresh bouquet from your local grocery store.)
Shop Bee on Amazon Shop Flower on Amazon4. Latte and Barista Matching Dog and Owner Costumes
It’s PSL season, after all! All you need to achieve this dog and owner matching look is a distinctive green apron for yourself, and an adorable latte costume for your dog.
Shop Latte on Amazon Shop Apron on Amazon5. Batman and Robin
Sure, you could be Batman, and your dog could be your trusty sidekick Robin. But personally, we like a reversed take on this classic complementary duo. Let your dog be the superhero, while you play the faithful companion in this owner and dog costume set.
Shop Batman on Amazon Shop Robin on Amazon6. Matching Dog and Owner Soy Sauce and Sushi Costumes
Celebrate your love of Japanese food with these matching dog and owner sushi and soy sauce costumes. The sushi comes in sizes small to extra-large and Amazon reviewers say that it’s lightweight and comfy for dogs to wear.
Shop Soy Sauce on Amazon Shop Sushi on Amazon7. Hot Dog and Waiter
Staying in the realm of matching food costumes, this cute idea pairs a hot dog costume for you-know-who with a red and white striped waiter outfit for the owner. You’ll both look cute enough to eat!
Shop Hot Dog on Amazon Shop Waiter on Amazon8. Squirrel and Acorn
With this costume combo, your dog is the squirrel and you’re the acorn. The crowd is bound to go nuts!
Alternately, you could both be squirrels: Check out this human squirrel costume that matches the dog squirrel costume above.
Shop Squirrel on Amazon Shop Acorn Tee on Amazon9. R2-D2 and C-3PO
Pretty much any “Star Wars” character is available in costume form for people and dogs—take your pick—but you could also DIY a get-up for the characters of your choice. My personal favorite duo? Droid buddies R2-D2 and C-3PO, and it’s hard to imagine a cuter matching dog and owner costume pairing.
Shop R2-D2 on Amazon Shop C-3PO on Amazon10. Rocket and Astronaut
This rocket dog costume gives new meaning to the Mars “rover.” Pair it with a matching owner astronaut costume for a look that’s out of this world.
Find Rocket on Chewy Shop Spacesuit on Amazon11. Matching Angel and Devil Dog and Owner Costumes
Who’s the angel and who’s the devil? That’s for you to decide, though personally I think every dog is an angel. But if yours is a li’l devil, I won’t be mad. What matters is that this is a wickedly adorable matching costume for dogs and their owners.
Shop Angel on Amazon Shop Devil on Amazon12. Cupcake and Baker
We can’t get enough of matching food-based costumes for dogs and people. If your dog is as sweet as can be, then this choice is perfect! And all you need is an apron and a chef’s hat to complete the look.
Shop Cupcake on Amazon Shop Baker on Amazon13. Matching Dog and Owner Cow and Farmer Costumes
All you need is a pair of overalls and a straw hat to complete this cute matching dog and owner costume. Your dog is the cow, you’re the farmer, and as a pair you’ll be moooooving to the front of the Halloween parade.
Find Cow on Chewy Find Overalls at Amazon14. Genie and Princess Jasmine
These Genie and Princess Jasmine costumes are perfect for any Aladdin fans out there. Alternatively, your dog can dress up as Abu the monkey, and you can be Aladdin (if you wish).
Shop Genie on Amazon Shop Jasmine on Amazon15. Matching Slimer and Ghostbuster Dog and Owner Costumes
Put your dog’s talent for slobbering to good use with this Slimer dog costume from the “Ghostbusters” franchise. Meanwhile, you can dress up as your favorite Ghostbuster, complete with inflatable backpack.
Find Slimer on Amazon Find Ghostbuster on AmazonWhatever you and your dog dress up as for Halloween, you’re sure to be the hit of the party—especially if you match up together!