Are you a Pokémon fanatic, or just Poké-curious? Either way, this quiz will tell you which Pokémon is most like your dog!
For the uninitiated: every Pokémon (short for “pocket monster”) has a distinct personality and set of skills and a different relationship with its trainer. Sounds pretty familiar, right? Maybe your dog is an aloof brainiac or an electric best friend. Maybe they nap all day or make mischief as soon as you leave the house. Or maybe they’re…psychic?! Whatever your dog is like, they probably have a Pokémon counterpart!
Note: there are a whole lot of Pokémon—over 800, in fact. We couldn’t catch ’em all in this quiz, but we narrowed it down to some of our favorites. Take the quiz to find out which Pokémon your dog is.