We’ve got seven of the sweetest dog reunion stories, all thanks to microchipping—plus the lowdown on the ins and outs of microchipping your pet.
A microchip is the permanent way to keep your dog safe when disaster strikes. Now is a great time to check that your dog’s microchip information is up-to-date.
Gunnar, on the loose for 20 months, escaped the house
Dora, lost for seven months, was scared by fireworks
Ali-bama, stolen and found two years and two states from home
Charlie, lost for 6 months, escaped a backyard tie-out
Lily, lost for almost two years, escaped a fenced backyard
Jasper, missing for six months, was stolen and resold
Stolen show dog Billy was resold and missing for four years
Check Your Chip
If you’re not sure whether your pet has a chip, your vet’s office or a local shelter can scan him in seconds and give you the number and information needed to check and update your pet’s chip online.
If you have the microchip number but aren’t sure where to look up the information, try a service like petmicrochiplookup.org to find out where to update the info.
Getting a New Microchip
The microchip with your dog’s unique code is located in a tiny glass cylinder implanted between the shoulder blades. The procedure for getting chipped is like a vaccination—just a slightly bigger needle to house the rice-grain-sized device.
Inside the medical-grade glass capsule is the chip holding data and a coil of wire, which acts as an antennae to allow the chip to talk to the scanner.
Dogs can be microchipped as young as four weeks of age, or at the same time as their spay or neuter surgery. A local anesthetic can be used, but is not necessary.
Why Microchips Matter
- Collars and harnesses break or get lost.
- The microchip is permanent and made to last 25 years.
- Animal services will scan for a microchip and contact you immediately if your dog is found. Out-of-date information can frustrate a good Samaritan trying to locate your dog’s home!
- Your animal, if lost, is far less likely to be put to sleep or rehomed if he has a microchip.
- You have inexpensive and reliable proof of ownership in cases of dog theft.