‘Tis the season of love. To help you prep for the most dog-friendly Valentine’s Day ever, we tried some of our favorite DIY crafts on two of our adorable Rover office dogs. The results? See for yourself!
Polaroid Valentine
With some stickers, a Polaroid, and colored pencils, you can make an adorable valentine for your dog’s special someone.
Hershey’s Kiss Hat
Our opinion: nailed it.
Click here to see how we got this idea.
Valentine’s Heart Glasses
If you want a DIY craft that doesn’t require cutting or gluing, might we suggest these lovely paper glasses? A huge hit and simply irresistible on puppies.
Before: Innocent valentines. But wait! Are those glasses?!
After: your newest Rover superheroes! GAStronomic Gus and Professor Prim.
Yet another craft inspired by Target. Check out the glasses here.
Paw Print Paint
This is a popular craft idea with baby feet, but what about paw prints? We think it’s even MORE adorable.
Check out the pinspiration here.
Paper Plate Heart Hats
Paper plates cut up into tiny hats? Could not have gone any better.
Check out the human version here.
Valentine Treat Drop Box
A modern take on the classic valentine collection box. Gus approves because, well, TREATS.
Post-it Adoration Wall
Gus had a lot of nice things to say to me. I’m flattered, and what nice handwriting he has!
Click here to see the inspiration.
Mailbox Poop Bag Dispensers
Before: Oh my! What could possibly be inside these adorably stickered mail boxes?! This craft was inspired by the dollar section at Target. You never know what you’ll find hidden there.
Surprise…POOP BAGS!
The results are clear: DIY Valentine crafts are even better when you try them with your dog in mind. This Valentine’s Day, don’t forget a gift for your dog, and maybe—just maybe—surprise them with one of these fun ideas. Happy crafting!