No! Canned and homemade spaghetti sauces typically contain spices that are toxic to dogs including onions and garlic. These veggie damage your dog’s red blood cells and can lead to anemia. Spaghetti sauce can also be high in sodium, and dogs that eat too much can become quickly dehydrated and are at risk for salt poisoning in extreme cases.
In addition, tomato stems, leaves, and the unripe fruit contain tomatine. Tomatine is dangerous for dogs in large amounts, it’s better to avoid spaghetti sauce if the ingredients are unclear.
Symptoms to Watch For
If your dog has consumed a large amount of spaghetti sauce with garlic or onions, watch for these symptoms:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Pale gums
- Lethargy and/or weakness
- Increased heart rate
For More Information
We’ve got tons of articles about which foods are safe or dangerous for your dog, from common snacks to fruits. You might also be interested in “Can My Dog Eat Tomatoes?”
The information provided in this article is not a substitute for professional veterinary help.