Harry Potter fans are a special bunch, and there’s a reason they love giving names from the books and movies to their dogs. For one thing, Harry Potter names offer a wide variety of options, from the classic Luna to the friendly Dobby or elegant Hermione. So how do you choose the perfect Harry Potter moniker for your pet? Consider the size, look, and personality of your new dog.
We handpicked these choices from our huge Rover database of dog names. Have fun, good luck, and enjoy the trip to Hogwarts. Don’t worry; we’ll skip Azkaban and head straight to the Gryffindor common room.
The Best Harry Potter Dog Names
Below are some magic-inspired picks with “Percy” taking the prize as the most popular Harry Potter inspired pup name in the states. But don’t worry, there are plenty of other options for all of you fans out there:
- Luna (or the full Luna Lovegood)
- Harry (Hairy Pawter?)
- Dobby
- Percy
- Dudley
- Ginny
- Draco (Malfoy could work, too)
- Sirius (or, again, the full Sirius Black)
- Albus
- Tonks
- Remus
- Neville
- Bellatrix (okay, she was a death eater, but it’s such a cool name!)
- Hermione
- Lupin
- Potter
- Nimbus
- Granger
- Winky
- Cedric
- Weasley
- Hagrid
- Fluffy
- Minerva (Minnie for short)
- Gryffindor
- Ron
- Fawkes
- Padfoot
- Fang
- Cornelius (Fudge)
- Newt
- Norbert
- Dumbledore
- Riddle
- Severus
- Lucius
- Godric
- Crookshanks (the cat)
- Gilderoy
- Hedwig
- Diggory
Clever Pun Harry Potter Dog Names
- Gryffindog
- Dogwarts
- Hairy Pawter
- Hufflepup or Hufflepug
- Ruffyndor
- Pansy Barkinson
- Ravenpaw
Harry Potter Dog Names: Words, Creatures & Places
- Buckbeak
- Phoenix
- Patronus
- Butterbeer
- Muggle
- Goblin
- Snitch
- Alohomora
- Quidditch
- Quaffle
- Accio
- Errol
Dog Naming Advice for Potterheads
Whether your dog is a Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, or Slytherin, consider personality when choosing their name.
If you’re having trouble deciding, keep in mind that a great dog name can come from many different sources of inspiration. Dog breeds are a particularly powerful influence. For example, a French Bulldog puppy might be just right wearing Fleur as a name, while a Shih Tzu (known as “the lion dog”) might sport Gryffindor.
Learn More About Dogs
- The Most Popular Dog Breeds in America
- Best Dog Breeds for Kids & Families
- The New Puppy Checklist
- An Illustrated Guide to Dog Behavior
Rover Knows Pet Names
As pet lovers through and through, Rover has the scoop on what people are naming their dogs. We have a passion for all things dog names and love helping pet parents pick their pup’s perfect name. For over a decade, we’ve gathered pet names from Rover’s database of millions of pets. The names you find here aren’t randomly generated. We keep our lists updated to match the trends within—and from—our own pet parent community.