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A friend gave you a $20 credit to try Rover!

Rover is the world’s largest network of pet sitters and dog walkers. Sign up now to claim your credit towards your first booking.

Loving pet care in your neighborhood

  • Trusted care in your home or your sitter’s home

    Find pet care in your city—just search your zip code to browse trusted sitters near you.

  • Pet sitters you can trust

    Every sitter has been individually reviewed and approved by Rover and has completed a background check. Millions of sitters have received 5-star reviews.

  • Cute photo updates

    Millions of adorable photos have been sent through Rover! Receive a pic of your pet enjoying their time with a loving sitter.

  • The Rover Guarantee

    Every booking made on Rover is backed by the Rover Guarantee, which includes up to $25,000 in vet care reimbursement for eligible claims.

How it works

  1. 1. Search pet sitters

    Read verified reviews by pet parents like you and choose a sitter who’s a great match for your pet.
  2. 2. Meet & Greet

    Schedule a Meet & Greet in-person or by video to get to know your sitter before you book
  3. 3. Book and pay

    No cash or checks required—all payments on Rover are secured and encrypted.

Want to become a pet sitter with Rover?

Rover makes it easy to earn money on your terms, doing something you love—caring for pets! Join Rover and connect with pet parents in your neighborhood looking for loving, trusted care.

Sign up now

Services for every dog and cat

  • Boarding
    Your pets stay overnight in your sitter’s home. They’ll be treated like part of the family in a familiar environment.
  • House Sitting
    Your sitter takes care of your pets and your house. Your pets will get all the attention they need from the comfort of home.
  • Dog Walking
    Your dog gets a walk around your neighborhood. Perfect for busy days and dogs with extra energy to burn.
  • Doggy Day Care
    Your dog spends the day at your sitter’s home. Drop them off in the morning and pick up a happy pup in the evening.
  • Drop-In Visits
    Your sitter drops by your home to play with your pets, offer food, and give potty breaks or clean the litter box.

A friend gave you a $20 credit to try Rover! Sign up now.