Pet Sitting in Philadelphia
Pet Sitting in Philadelphia
Do you love dogs? Is your idea of the perfect work getting paid to play with them? Through Rover, you can build your own dog sitting business, and also offer overnight stays, check-ins and walks!
Why Become a Dog Sitter?
It's Easy To Get Started
Rover provides everything you'll need to start.
Become a Dog Sitter
To get started, set up your profile (Rover can help you out), pass a background check, and get approved by Rover. You choose which client requests to accept.
Get Paid Safely and Quick
Set your own schedule and rates. Decide what services you want to provide: dog sitting, home stays, walking services, or drop-in visits (or all of them!)
Grow Your Business
The Rover app helps you manage your bookings, send message and video updates to clients, and receive secure payments within 48 hours of ending a pet sitting service.
Get Support
Rover has a 24/7 Support Team, should you ever need help for pets in your care.
Manage your Pet Sitting Business in the Rover App
Managing your pet sitting business has never been easier with the Rover App. You can use the app to get secure payments, send photos to keep clients updated, and confirm bookings. Plus, it's an easy way to check your messages on the go!
(The Rover app is required to offer dog walking, daycare, and drop-in visits.)
Become a Dog Sitter in Philadelphia Now!
Rover provides fast, secure payments, 24/7 support including vet assistance, and an app to help you manage it all.
Get started on your dog sitting business today, and take the dogs out to experience all that the Philadelphia area has to offer!