Please Reset Your Password

We care about the security of your personal information. You may have heard recently about a large collection of stolen login credentials being released online. Rover has not experienced a breach and there is no evidence that your profile has been accessed. However, the credentials you use to log in to Rover may be identical to credentials that may have been leaked from other websites you have used.

To protect your account, you must reset your password before your next login.

To reset your password, select the link above and follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to and then select Sign In.
  2. Select Forgot your Password? under the Sign In button.
  3. Enter your email address and select Submit.
  4. You will receive an email from that contains a link. Select the link or copy and paste it into your browser.
  5. Enter your new password. Enter your new password again in the second box to confirm it. Select Change My Password.
  6. You’re now all set and signed into your account. The next time you sign in, be sure to use your new password.

Note: If you’re currently signed into your Rover account, be sure to log out before attempting to reset your password. You can do this by selecting your name in the upper right corner of your screen and then selecting Log out.

If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team anytime at or by calling 888-453-7889.