
Current booking may be delayed and have another booking scheduled. How do I handle current booking?

My current booking is delayed due to weather. I have another booking scheduled and can't have any overlap. How do I handle this situation?

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More details would likely result in the most helpful answer.

I'd suggest: Since current booking is delayed, Contact the delayed person and let them know you have another booking scheduled and aren't able to have overlap, ask if they have any suggestions (is there a trusted family member or friend who could pick up pet or is there somewhere else pet could go until they return. The customer support staff at rover can help you with these communications, and potentially booking another sitter for the additional time, if necessary,)

Depending on the outcome of all that, you may also want to contact the booking scheduled and let them know you're trying to resolve this to prevent overlap. They may have other alternatives or recommendations, especially since you're living in known Dog-Loving territory.