
Has anyone had issues with Reoccuring bookings being accurate?

I have set up reoccurring booking for dog walking for a client M-F to give me more flexibility each week to determine what days i come by based on my schedule. the goal is to come by all 5 days but that rarely happens for weather reasons or work reasons at my full- time job. Each Monday i get an email from Rover to confirm the service i did the week before. Sometimes it is accurate but other times it is not. So i have to contact Rover support to tell them i didn't walk on days that Rover thinks that i did. I didn't send a Rover card but on their system it thinks that I did. On my side I can see the specific days i sent a card. Something isn't matching up on the sitter side and the Rover side.

Anyone else have these issues? I am considering going back to booking each individual week as i did before which i don't really want to do.

Rover support helped me refund the customer but didnt help me with making sure my weeks are accurate moving forward. They didnt say if there was an issue with reoccurring bookings or not. They basically told me how to use the system i was already using.

2 Answers

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I have! Ive had a dog here 3 times in the last month, yet she is not listed as a repeat client. I also received a boarding request via email, and text, but not my app mailbox.


Sorry but I've never had an issue with recurring books and I use them exclusively. However before the week starts I confirm what days are needed and modify the next week accordingly. If for some reason a day is cancelled by the client I don't do the card and then on Monday I get the email about the service, it hasn't ever been wrong.


Hmm this is an interesting approach, maybe I will try this. Does your client still need to confirm the modification before you can come by and start? I generally know week to week what days I will and will not come by. And if something changes I could always “add a booking” using the button. Thanks!