
Who clicks the "Book Now" button, sitter or client? [closed]

I just got my first client and I am the one who hit the "book" button and the client accepted. Now at the bottom on my home screen in the app it says "Inbox" "Rebook" "Services" "Your Pets" and "More." I am concerned about the "Rebook" button because that seems like something that should be for the dog owner and not the sitter. Does Rover think that I am the client and not the sitter since I was the one who clicked the "Book" button? When do I receive my Rover Cards? I feel like my app is set up as me being the client and not the sitter right now. Although, I did receive an email confirming that I am the sitter, I am confused why the app is set up for me as the client.

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Kati W.
close date 2018-07-09 08:21:53.339694

1 Answer

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The only reason you have a Rebook button is as a convenience. Sometimes clients will mention they'd like to hire you again and you'll be able to get the ball rolling. Its existence on your screen doesn't mean or imply that you are the client.