
Booking score down to 50 percent after flakey requests?

Hello fellow sitters! I have had a bunch of flakey requests lately. I've had lots of requests where the person messages saying something along the lines of "this is just an option I'm considering, I'm not sure what I want to do with my pet yet." Then, they say they ended up boarding their animal or doing something else. This has caused my booking rate for dog walking to drop to 50 percent. How is this fair at all considering I can't control fall through requests from people that are just exploring their options or who I could tell never were serious in the first place? And how can I fix this? The Rover algorithm makes no sense to me.

Thanks guys!


One of my new Rover clients came from a well known boarding chain and told me a few months ago that they used to spend hours on weekends at the Canine... booking and canceling, request at 3 am, no show meet and greets or stay for hours, offering cash or paying direct torturing sitters

And it does affect your ranking in the searches and I think they also wrote in the new terms and conditions consistent low performance on our scores is cause for removal of profile. I told Rover and the kid told me to keep my cell phone near me while sleeping to respond at all hours 1 best to you!

Hey Reza, you can set quiet hours so you don't have to worry about responding at night.

5 Answers

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I agree with Jennifer in that performance scores don't matter and are just a measurement of your latest bookings or non bookings. Don't obsess about them in fact forget about them. Just provide quality care, get some great reviews and make good money- that's what counts!


I often have people message me with a request and I will respond rather quickly and then never hear from them again. I just archive the request and move on. It is inconsiderate, but I figure they probably are messaging quite a few sitters and if the fees are less for another they will go with them. happy doggy sitting!


I have found this to be happening to me quite lately...3x last week. They approached me for the holiday bookings, agreed to the meet & greet and then I never heard another peep again. Found out are local sitters too and have availability for dates they asked me. Looking to take me off searches? Rude


The one big thing that you want to pay attention to is how you archive the messages. It will not help with your "booking score" but it will help with Rovers algorithm in your search ranking. When you Archive a message, if the owner changed their mind, or something out of your control that will play a factor into the algorithm of your search ranking which is going to be more important overall.

(example if you are archiving a lot of messages because you are unavailable than that will overall effect you more so than if the clients plans changed. )

The idea is to make sure that we are accepting majority of the requests vs making the owners search and search for a sitter. Rover wants to see that when a client picks a sitter that chances are the are able to book vs having to keep searching. If clients have a hard time booking with sitters they will eventually start going elsewhere. which is why the sitter who keeps declining requests for their own personal reasons it will eventually effect their search ranking)


I too have seen a significant drop in my booking score due to uncommitted requests as well as strange "glitches" from Rover. Recently, somebody requested an overnight stay but I was already booked for an overnight for that date. I archived the request and my booking score went down the next day. I didn't understand why, what was going on. I checked my calendar to see if something was awry and sure enough, it said I was available for THREE overnights on a single day! You can't stay at three different locations for an overnight! I certainly would never have set my availability in that way. I was like WHAT?!!? I never put that there! It was very strange, all my other dates looked completely normal except for that one day. Almost like somebody got into my account and altered it. It's very suspicious. I really think the booking score requirements are unfair to the sitter. I have a lot of requests for mid day dog walks, and currently my mid days all have to be reserved for my regular clients. But there's no option to black out certain times of the day. It only indicates that the sitter is available that day, not what time of the day. And I have to decline because I'm saving my mid day time slots for my devoted regular clients who simply hadn't gotten around to booking yet before a rogue request came along. How can we make it clear to people searching for a sitter that certain times of the days are already reserved? I don't want my booking score to go down anymore! And I can only squeeze so many dog walks from 12pm to 2pm! But I still want searches to see that I'm available the rest of the day.


My booking score has gone down lately too. I fully acknowledge that because of Rover I've been able to make some income and I am super happy overall. But I've never really understood the booking score in terms of how they calculate it; in theory it could be a helpful tool for both Rover and sitters. But it is very limited and seems skewed to "dock" the sitter rather than give a fair and accurate accounting of what is happening. If the booking score is meant to help Rover identify sitters that aren't "up to par" there are much better processes and tools that can be created.