
Ever Had a Bad Feeling?


I have just started sitting full time sitting and walking for Rover. I have successfully completed my first booking and everything went great. I can truly say I feel fulfilled in terms of a career working with dogs <3

However, I was wondering if anyone was ever preparing for a meet and greet and got a really bad feeling about it and how they handled it.

I currently have a request from a future client to watch his two dogs, a 70lb American Bulldog and a 40lb American Bully.

First off, the man did not have pictures of his dog and had joined the site the same day he requested me. I asked him if his dogs got along with other dogs since I have a Shepherd of my own and since I walk on the side if they are ok to be crated and if so when we could do a meet an greet. He didn't answer my questions but went straight to scheduling a meet and greet.

He has rescheduled the meet and greet twice already.... he also refers to me (I'm listed as a 27 year old female) as "bro" and when I said it's ok to reschedule but I insist on having the dogs meet, he stated that he understands that and will make it happen but it's a "tough time" for him as he is currently living out of his car and leaves them locked in there while he goes to work as he is currently looking for a place to rent.

Right off the bat, I was unsure of this guy and the more I engage with him the more unsure I become. Am I wrong to think something is "off" with this situation"? Do any seniors have any advice or have dealt with a similar situation or am I overreacting?

Really appreciate you looking this post over and helping a fellow sitter!


5 Answers

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Safety first! Please decline this booking if you have a bad feeling. I have declined several potential bookings because of a bad feeling as well. And yes, they were from men. Don't get me wrong I have had successful booking with men but if your gut says something is up decline and move on. I might even report this guy to Rover if he is saying he leaves his dogs in a car all day!


I agree with what the majority of what everyone else has said (always tell someone, don't do what you're uncomfortable with,etc). Additionally, I would report it to Rover Support. They have investigators who look into the validity of someone's account. Other people may get requests from him and not pick up on his strange behavior (repeated rescheduling/excuses) and comments (living in his car). It is important to look out for yourself, but as part of a community it is also important to speak up when something doesn't seem or feel right. It's always better to be safe than sorry.


Follow your gut! No money, job, or even rating on Rover is worth you losing your safety over. I know it's hard to turn people down at first, but other clients will come. Always let someone know if you are going to a meet and greet. I always meet in a public place for my safety. This guy will probably continue this behavior even if you book with him...move on to your next client.


Hi, Jenna!

ALWAYS trust your gut, especially when it comes to watching dogs! As it turns out, the guy is possibly living out of his car which is worrisome. Something to think about is that since he is in such a rough spot, he could possibly abandon his dogs with you which would be a horrible situation.

I would just politely decline and archive his request, because this doesn't sound like the best situation.


First, congrats on taking the step to do this full time! It's hard at first, but worth it!

Now, as much as we all hate to turn away business and there's always that "threat" that turning people down will affect our ratings. It's always better to lean towards safety for yourself and your pet(s). I have had people where my gut is saying something's wrong, sometimes I'm right and sometimes I'm not, but I always take measures to keep myself safe. A family member always knows when I'm going to a meet and greet and where it is, and if they can't get in touch with me 45 minutes after I tell them to call the cops immediately. That's never happened, but if I ever need it I like knowing backup is coming quickly. I don't care for pets in my home unless they've been clients for a while so I can be a little more flexible dealing with "weird" meet and greets, because it's in their home. But if this is in your home, I'd for sure say just tell him you're not available, archive him, and move on. He sounds very unstable and I wouldn't want that type of person knowing where I live. If you do go through with it, I'd suggest having a male friend or family member there as well and don't be afraid to just tell him it won't work out if you continue to get weird feelings from him and/or his dog. Sounds like this guy needs help, if he truly is locking his dogs in a car all day every day I'm guessing they're stressed and probably won't be easy to care for. And that's not even mentioning how illegal that is! And unsafe for his dogs!