
What can I give my dog for an upset stomach?

My dog has an upset stomach and seems to be in a lot of discomfort. What can I do?? Should I change her food?

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It is normal for dogs to get an occasional upset stomach just as we do. Causes vary from environmental to physiological related changes due to weather, seasonal or food allergies, eating something they shouldn’t have, or aging. Dogs cannot tell us that they are sick or just how sick they are, so unless your dog has a diagnosed stomach or intestinal issue, it can be difficult to really know if the issue is mild or severe.

Make a warm rice water by straining the water after cooking a small amount of uncooked rice in a larger amount of water. Boil and stir 1 cup rice in 1 quart water for about twenty minutes, then strain the rice and give some of the warm or cooled rice water to your dog. You can also make a watery rice porridge by boiling already cooked rice in a pot of water or homemade veggie broth. Cook 1 cup rice as usual in a rice cooker or pot, then add it to 3 quarts low boiling water or broth for twenty minutes stirring occasionally. Rice grains should look mushy like little stars. Give your dog enough to remain hydrated and store the rest in the fridge for later. When you warm up another bowl, add a little water to thin it out.