
Have you seen the new profile editing screens?

Hi all,

If you go to your Profile page on Rover (, you'll notice brand new profile editing. I'd love to gather your thoughts on what you think about the new changes. Please leave some answers here to provide your feedback, goods and bads welcome!

Matt - Rover Product Manager


I am unable to edit the "About Me" section. Every time I try it doesn't recognize that I have any words.

8 Answers

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Hi, I checked it out right away. It was a startling contrast to adapt to, but overall I like the change. One items I think most sitters will comment on is since you're doing that, could you Please provide us with a day care service rate box? Also, was the question about puppies changed from under 2 years old to 1 year old?


Thanks Deb. We are working towards being able to list more rates, stay tuned!

Hi Matt, One more question: Will there be functionality added to organize photos? I thought that was in place previously to move them around.

Hi Deb. Looks like this functionality will return at a later date.


Hi, Matt - Wow, definitely different. It will take some getting used to, but at this point I think it's a good change. I agree with Deb; I think a day rate option would be a great idea.


Great, thanks for the +1 to day rate. We'll get there soon enough


Hi, Matt- yea it,s nice to see a change going on like it! Maybe you guys should update the calendar some what. Super idea!


Hi Dawn. Our desktop calendar definitely has some issues. Curious if you have the mobile app and if so, have you tried using the calendar there? It's much better on our mobile app.


I really appreciate that some of the options have been clarified (years of experience, walk rate, cover photo, etc). I like the new interface, and I think it will be easier for new users to navigate.

Agreed on the daycare rates (full and half day, please!!).


I was looking around the new profile editing screens, and noticed that I was unable to edit the section, What Sitter Would Like To Know About Your Dog under the main About Me section of my profile. I was able to edit this section before the changes. Would be nice to have the option of editing that part again.


Hi Guelda. Would you mind sending me a screen shot so I know exactly what you're talking about?

Hi again, thanks so much for pointing this out. It is indeed an oversight and is being fixed.

Oh wow, had no clue I had a mailbox in the Q&A section! Sorry about the lack of response, but glad it was sorted out.


Nice updates! I love that I don't have to go through so many 'layers' to get to each item.

I agree with some others regarding daycare and calendar.

Improvements are occurring! Well done!

On another note, over in the Dog Questions area, someone has spammed the category with questions about household moving. Will there be any new safeguards in place to keep things like that from happening?


Thanks Carmen. We moderate the community regularly, but the weekend sometimes backs us up. Lately there has been an increase to these spammy posts, so we'll look into ways to prevent it.


I absolutely love the new look - it's more compartmentalized, which I appreciate. I imagine it may be hard for those who are not really into changes in technology, but as someone who uses social media, etc., frequently, I love the new design! Thanks!


I also like the updated look! I am not technologically inclined so it is great to see everything on one page. Thank you!!