
Is it rude to ask client to leave you review on thank you card?

I've had over 12 clients so far this summer since starting 3 months ago, but only 4 have left me a review. I understand clients tend to forget about leaving a review and we all know how it helps grow our business. It could greatly help my profile if most of my clients left reviews. I was thinking about writing on my "thank you" cards I send home with the pups to leave a review if they wish. Is that a good idea? Does it sound too assertive and forward? I don't want to seem desperate for reviews. Let me know your thoughts!

4 Answers

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I ask every client to leave a review on Rover. I even send a quick reminder on Rover if they have not done so after a week or two. Reviews are super important for your ratings.


Absolutely not rude. I also send a message asking them to.


No, it is not too assertive or forward to ask for a review! I literally ask every client I have sat for, for a review…within 24 hours of their return, I shoot them a message and ask “how’s everything going?” They reply and then I ask, “Would you mind leaving me a review? Rover will send you an email within next day or so, with a link..I really appreciate your feedback, it means a lot to me and helps my future bookings!” I have never had anyone say “No.” It’s either a “Yes” and it happens, a “Yes” and they just forget, or no reply…and I mean who can say why? As sitters, we will deal with all types of people…if you’re truly a great sitter, no fear in asking. Worst case, they just don’t. So what. People are people and forget or maybe they didn’t vibe with you…which in that case, best they don’t leave a review. Lol. It is NOT too assertive to ask for a review, that’s how we build our business!


Also I would direct text them. I always text my clients directly. More personable and mostly everyone on their phone…often…they see your text…it’s just a next click to go into email to leave review..Leave handwritten notes to talk about how great it went…text for reviews IMO.


it sounds fine to me.