
Has anyone else received a sketchy request?

Hi all!

My name is Isabelle and I am new to Rover! I’m not sure if anyone will read this but it’s appraiciated if someone does! This is a weird situation and want to know if it’s happened to anyone else. I’ll get into it!

So I received a message at 4 in the morning from a pet owner wondering if I was available for pet sitting. I immidiatly got freaked out because it was 4 in the morning and everyone who lives in my area should be asleep? Maybe not. However, it was 4 in the morning so I went back to bed and would take care of it when I got up.

I got up and forgot about the message, and then rembembered it. So I checked my messages and it was there. It was for 25 night and I would stay at his house dog sitting. However, this guy did not live any where near me. I was confused how I even showed up as a possible sitter. I lived whole states away from him.

So I texted him back politely declining his offer. But he would not give up. He said he would give me money to go out to his house and pick his dog up then have me bring his pet back to my house to watch. I said I don’t do any dog boarding at my house. I said it wouldn’t work out and sorry again. Still he didn’t give up. He said that I could stay at his house. And I quote “I have an empty apartment inside my compound”. Red flags were going up! Inside his compound?? That’s so sketchy. So I declined again and said I have school and can’t miss that much of it. He replies “No”...apparently 25 days isn’t even a long time to miss school? At this point I was upset and wanted him blocked. Unfortunately you can’t block the person. But I called Rover services and got it taken care of.

Curious of who the guy was, I went to his profile. It said that he made it today. And then I went down and it said it was no longer active. So this guy made an account. Messaged me for an hour. Then deactivated his account? I found that to be very sketchy. Not to add that his profile picture looked like it was off the internet.

Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else? If so, what did you do? If not, what would you of done?

2 Answers

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So far I haven't had a scam request, but they are definitely out there. Some hallmarks:

--Very wordy --Someone is moving from out of state/country --Bad use of grammar--spelling mistakes, reads as if someone written by someone who speaks English as second language. --words in parenthesis (dog breed) (dog name) (wifes name)--scammers are too lazy to remove these when generating these requests --asking you contact them via email for more info.

  1. Report them to Rover
  2. Don't respond to them.

SCAM bookings are starting to appear a lot more frequently that it used to, your best bet is to call Rover support @[Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] and they will probably delete the user profile.