
unavailable for a particular client?

I have a repeat client that I no longer want to work with due to a number of reasons. Is there a way to show as unavailable to just that one client, or do I need to just face the awkward moment if they try to book again?

3 Answers

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This is business, not personal. You should ever feel bad for telling someone their dog isn't a good fit for you. Just be honest, polite and direct. Don't mince words because that can lead to confusion. The best approach is always upfront. It will probably happen to all of us.


I also have had that problem this week. My client is not a Rover client, he is a long time client from before I was with Rover. He had two dogs that were wonderful and one was killed by a neighborhood dog. Now he has a girl dog that he neglected to tell me was unaltered and she is also aggressive to certain dogs. Shes fine with most but there was one here that she wanted to eat and that is unacceptable.

My plan is to just let him know that I can no longer watch them. It is better to just be honest and respectful. If you know any of the other sitters, ask if they want you to refer them to that person, if not, tell them about the sitter list up top.

It is not worth it to watch dogs that the client does not bother to train. Be kind, considerate, and say thank you for being a client.



I just had that problem today. I have two stays with this dog already booked. however I'm going to tell her with the last visit that I can't watch the dog anymore because of X reasons. even though I don't want to talk to her about it, I also don't think it's fair or respectful to mislead her into thinking that I can be her sitter when I really can't watch hers. Try to come up with the reason that is non judgmental and doesn't criticize your own abilities.

For example this dog is a 10 pound Yorkie mix. Turns out she's not kennel trained. I'm going to tell owner that it won't work because when I introduce new dogs to each other I do it through the kennel and slowly. I don't want her getting hurt if I can't separate her from the rest.