
Is it better to respond to a request from my computer or via text message? Does it really matter?

I'm new to Rover and just got my first request. I got an email notification and a text message. I responded via, but not via text. Is that ok? Is there any reason to have a preference?

3 Answers

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I have the app on my pnone, so I get an email, a text message AND an app notification lol It's a little overkill, but at least I'll never worry that I've missed a client.

I agree with the annoyance of messages. I hate that their responses come through ALL the channels.


To follow up with what Moureene said, as long as you're responding via the Rover system somehow (their text, app or website) you're okay!

One thing that initially annoyed me is that even though you get the owners messages via text, if you respond through the app or website, your own responses won't show up in your text thread, so in your text message it will look like a one sided conversation. In the app or on the website you'll see all correspondence sent though, which is why I personally like to use the app when I'm not at home and the website when I'm near my computer.

Congrats and welcome to the Rover sitter world!


As long as it's through Rover, it doesn't matter. Text through the Rover app, email or the webpage, whatever is most convenient for you.

Congrats on your first request! :)