
Has anyone ever had a client come a day late, when you are supposed to travel?

Hey guys! I know it is a bit risky, but I am visiting my sis and her new baby on March 2nd, and a client will be picking up their pup on March 1. Let's just say something happens and the client can't pick their pup up until the next day, during my flight, what would I do?

I know, I know. I didn't think this through. I'll give myself a two-day window next time. I mean, a brand-new nephew, my mind was all aflutter with excitement!

1 Answer

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In the event that something happened, I imagine that the best case scenario would be to contact Rover Support ASAP so that they can utilize the Rover Match program, which is a group of sitters who are "on call" and can take over in the event of an emergency. Perhaps on the day of, or the day before, verify with the client what their ETA is.


And congratulations on that new baby, how exciting!!