
Problem with Client's House before Stay?

Have you ever experienced an issue with your client's house that was brought to your attention prior to an already booked stay that could potentially impact your stay? How did you handle it?

For example, I got told today when I was picking up the house key for a stay starting this weekend that the client's water heater broke today and cannot get fixed until after he returns (aka after I'm at his house for over a week). This means that I won't have any hot water for the extent of my stay and won't be able to shower in the house unless I want to give myself hypothermia. Obviously, this isn't the clients fault and to my knowledge he did everything within his power to fix the problem. I told him I'd figure out a solution. However, I need to take showers and this totally creates a big inconvenience for me since I will need to either drive out to my gym or back to my house to get hot water, which eats up my time and money. I'm very understanding, but a part of me wants to charge the owner a fee for the increased gas usage. How would you approach this situation?

2 Answers

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You told the client that you would figure out a solution and not to worry, so you really can't turn around and decide to add on charges.

It isn't a matter of couldn't have the water heater fixed or replaced, but he decided not to have it done while he's away, which is inconveniencing you greatly. You should have worked it out with him before he left.

I'm curious, though, did he offer anything to you?


He hasn't left yet. Technically, I could talk to him about it today before he leaves this weekend. No, he didn't offer anything, which was incredibly frustrating. His only possible solution was to bring his dog to my house, which I am not comfortable with.

Definitely tell him that you are going to need to charge a fee for the inconvenience of having to drive to wherever to shower. Don't make it explicitly tied to mileage. Just add on $10 per day and have him pay upfront. Too bad he didn't get it fixed. He could've gotten someone in to do it.

Talked to him. He's going to try to get the heater fixed next week while I'm there. I told him $5 a night because thankfully I live close.


Because it was his choice not to have the hot water heater fixed before your stay starts, I would feel perfectly comfortable charging him $10 extra per day for the inconvenience of having to shower elsewhere. That's just inconsiderate, in my opinion.


He's making a bigger effort to get the heater fixed while I'm there next week after talking to him. Otherwise, I'm charging him $5 a night.