
Person doesn't contact you again?

So what if you're discussing situation with person and you both agree everything will work etc. Later you go to confirm drop off time and they don't respond? Can you....should you confirm stay? Will they be held accountable for payment even though they don't respond etc?

3 Answers

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If the stay is booked and accepted by both parties, then their card will be charged for the stay. I would go ahead and confirm the stay (and hope they do drop their dog off and not flake out :-D) Them booking the stay is their agreement to the request.


I call this the difference between SAY & PAY.

People SAY all kinds of things. Until they PAY it means nothing. If you got the message in the gray box at the left side of your Inbox from Rover to Accept or Decline the booking it means they did PAY. Without that step anything they SAY does not constitute a booking and they would not be responsible to pay in way.

This is all part of the Owners shopping process. Some Owners use non-response as a way of letting you know they did not book you. Rover encourages Owners to contact multiple Sitters and once they select a Sitter they are under no obligation to 'release' the other Sitters.

To protect yourself from losing other possible bookings for that time frame it is important to Archive the request. There is even a reason of "Owner did not Respond" as a selection for why you are Archiving the request.


It all depends on where you are in the booking process. If they have made the request, you have accepted it, but they have not paid for it, then I recommend sending them a reminder message saying they only have 72 hours to confirm and pay for the stay. Otherwise, it will be cancelled. If they have paid for the stay, then try calling and messaging again. Contact Rover Support, sometimes they can get a response from the client.