
Howdsoes Rover come up with the response time of a sitter?

I notice today that it stated I respond within a few hours. How do you decide this? I can't remember EVER waiting a "few" hours before responding to a request. Since I do everything through my computer and not a cell phone, I have to be that more diligent about responses.


I definitely recommend getting the app on your cell phone so you can at least respond right away, even to say that you'll get back to them later (when you're not driving, etc,). I have all Rover notifications with a barking ringtone, so I know it's business, not friends or family.

Mary, what a great idea, thanks for sharing that!

1 Answer

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It seems like it's only for new requests, not ongoing messages. And, it seems like it's heavily weighted to recent requests.

Mine dropped to "a few hours" and quickly went back to "under a half an hour" (and now "a few minutes") after 3-4 requests were replied to quickly.

In my case, I wasn't ready to start boarding when my ad went live. I set my spaces available to "0" for the entire month. Because of that, I didn't think I needed to respond quickly since I wasn't available. Apparently I should have used the "away" option. I guess as long as your not "away," they expect prompt participation even if you're not available for the days being requested.

I think that could be improved. But, the upside is that it bounces back quickly (after 2-4 prompt responses).