
Could map that shows percentages in your area be helpful?

I think it'd be helpful if Rover showed the statistics in your area month-to-month for the percentage of providers who booked customers and the percentage for the type of each service booked. It could be shown on the map that shows all the providers in your area. We don't need exact percentages on each provider, just on the general area that you serve. It could be helpful to sitters to see which months are likely to bring in more customers as well as show which services they're more likely to be looking for. Does this sound helpful to anyone else?

2 Answers

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A map or table with data would be helpful from an informatonal persepective, but what would we do with that data? And good luck asking Rover to implement this.


I thought it might be helpful for us to see the busy and not-so-busy months in our area so we could have an idea of what kind of business to expect, if any. I now it'd probably be complicated and expensive to implement though.


But if you do Rover for longer than a year, you'll know that info..... You'll know when the "busy" months are, you'll know what services most people booked.

I'd rather them spend the money on advertising or training new sitters.