
I just joined rover how do I get my first sitter request and keep getting requests ?

I just joined rover and Have very reasonable prices and did the background cheek how do I get my first request from a potiental customer. I haven't gotten any requests today. I was wondering does this usually take a few weeks to start getting requests or is there a easier way to get requests? for example would I get more requests if I opened up my travel to clients home miles farther. Any tips would be appericated thanks I have never done any sort of dog sitting work so I am not exactly sure how this works Thanks.


Hey Jamie, When I first started as a sitter it took a couple weeks for me to get my first request and after the first completed stay and good review I received requests pretty frequently. Maybe try posting your link on craigslist or facebook!

Add more pictures and have the lowest rate in your area at first.

4 Answers

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Add a few more pictures to your profile and I would suggest the picture of you should change from a selfie. I second the recommendations of the prior posts, lower rates, recommendations are all important. Welcome to Rover


It usually takes a little while to get your first client, so be patient. I looked at your profile, and I would suggest having someone proofread it, I noticed some grammar and capitalization errors. Talk about why you want to do dog sitting, what experience with other animals you have. Look at the profiles of some of the other sitters in your area, or some of the people on this forum, to get ideas on how to beef up your profile.

I definitely second the idea of getting testimonials from friends or family who you have sat for in the past. As a potential client, I like to see your experience and ratings from previous customers. Look at your profile from the viewpoint of a potential client. What would you want to see if you were looking for a pet sitter?


Hi Jamie: Welcome to Rover! I think getting at least 2 testimonials will help...ask anyone that is familiar with your previous/current care and love of dogs to write a quick paragraph that makes you shine! Also, advertise! Whether it's posting to Facebook, handing out business cards, or creating an ad to post at the grocery or pet supply store. Getting your name out there...and keeping your name out there brings the clients in! And in my opinion, don't be the lowest price in your area.....start low, but not the lowest. You want quality clients, not just those that are price shopping and don't care how they treat you or their dog!


like Stella said, have one of the lowest rates first then after a few bookings you can increase them, and make sure you completed all the badges you can. And then wait... I think it took me a good week before I got my first request. Good luck!