DIANE B.'s profile

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commented answer do you have the Rover Pet Insurance?

that Protection Package is not additional insurance at all! It provides 'vet questions' and 'lost dog' tags. But as far as additional insurance - nope.

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commented answer do you have the Rover Pet Insurance?

where did you purchase additional insurance?

answered a question Can I tip my pet sitter?

As a business owner, tipping is not expected nor required. However, I will say - some of my clients have 'tipped' me with gift cards to local pet stores, or bringing extra treats/toys for my dogs while the guest dog is here. Another client gave me cash to buy toys for my dogs - and I did!

answered a question How to stop my dog from barking at every sound he hears?

I have a similar issue with my dogs. I keep a spray bottle of lavender/chamomile mist at the ready. When they bark, I spray the mist at and near them. It has a calming scent for them, and they relax a bit. I make my own spray using a bottle of water, and drop a little oil in. Last a while - and the house smells better too!

asked a question How do I see reviews of the dogs from other sitters?

I take the time to fill out a Review on each dog who stays with me. But how do I see what other sitters (if any) have said about this same dog and/or the owners?

answered a question I am confused about Rover's insurance for guest dogs

Make sure to read the link on the Insurance - it outlines the coverage for guests, residents, and Deductibles!

answered a question What is the Protection Package?

The Protection Package gives you Limited Access to a Vet if you need questions answered - but based on previous answers posted, the vet's assistance is 50/50. I misunderstood that I got some sort of expansion of insurance in the event of an injury to the dogs or humans. That is not what it is for at all. READ EVERYTHING with a fine toothed comb.

answered a question I'm concerned about sitter stealing goods or personal information from us. Any thoughts on how to protect ourselves?

If you are that concerned - perhaps you should leave your dog(s) with a sitter for any time you are away. You drop off you pet, and pick up when you return. There is no need for the sitter to be at your house under this scenario.

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answered a question How to deal with damage to your home while sitting a dog?

I don't know if Rover will reimburse you for damages. But I never have owners bring a bed - just a blanket or towel that has the dog's or the owner's scent on it. I also have crates set up, and will crate a dog if it is destructive or in any way a danger to me or my dogs.

When you find out if you get reimbursed - please let me know!

asked a question What is covered under the Protection Package?

I purchased the Protection Package. But I am not clear on what is provided under the package. Does it give me any better coverage than what is already provided for in the Premium Insurance?

answered a question Paypal says I have no tax documents for 2015. Does this mean I do not owe taxes on rover?

I contacted PayPal and they do not issue a 1099 unless you have processed $20,000 or 200 payments in income through them. Here is the quote: "You will receive a Form 1099-K from PayPal if you received more than 200 payments and over $20,000.00 USD in a calendar year."

So you will need to report the income on your own. You can get a printout on this site by going to your Dashboard, then getting a Payment History.

Remember - if you purchased the Extra Insurance - that should be a deduction, but of course, check with your tax preparer.

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commented answer does Rover charge the dog owner?

that is what I thought - so I am wondering if any sitters have received complaints from owners about this surcharge? Have the sitters adjusted their rates to reflect this additional charge to the owner?

answered a question does Rover charge the dog owner?

that is what I thought - so I am wondering if any sitters have received complaints from owners about this surcharge? Have the sitters adjusted their rates to reflect this additional charge to the owner?

commented answer How much does rover take out of your booking pay?

I would like the Calendar with dogs' names as well!

asked a question does Rover charge the dog owner?

I recall getting an email directly from Rover about a surcharge to the owner's for using this site to find and book a service (sitter, walker, etc). I cannot locate that email. I am curious if that charge has been implemented, and if so, how much is Rover charging the dog owners?

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asked a question where do you live?

I do the Meet and Greet at my house. So the dog owners know how to find me. And yet - why is it so difficult to find out where the potential owners live?

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asked a question what if stay is shortened?

If the Rover owner comes back early from a trip, do you refund any days that the dog did not stay with you?

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answered a question How do you handle when owners are stuck in another state because of storm? Charge more for the nights proceeding? Same rate?

I too have had this happen, especially with the winter we had last year (I am in New England). I have 'extended stay' rates, so if the extra time goes into that, then the extended stay rate applies. The owners were extremely appreciative, and more than willing to pay the fee. They were relieved to know their baby was in good hands. And have been back here on several occasions since then!

asked a question do you have the Rover Pet Insurance?

I purchased the Rover pet insurance for a variety of reasons. Thankfully, I have not had to use it. I am wondering if anyone has had to use the policy, and if so, what was the process like?

answered a question How many dogs/critters do you have as your maximum?

I have 2 dogs of my own, but there are other dogs in the house who share the yard. I take in foster dogs from a rescue as well. So I try very hard to limit taking in no more than 2 Rover dogs. I do not have a big house, but the yard is plenty big. Summer months give me more time outside for the dogs, so I can relax the limit a bit. But during the winter, when we are inside more, I stick to my limit.

answered a question Why does my dog bark when my boyfriend gives me a hug or kiss?

Your dog is 'resource guarding'. He thinks of you as 'his', and does not like sharing you with anyone. If this is a new behavior, you will want to nip it in the bud. If he has been doing this for a while, you will also want to train him out of this bad behavior.