
what if stay is shortened?

If the Rover owner comes back early from a trip, do you refund any days that the dog did not stay with you?

2 Answers

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It depends on two things:

1 - Your cancellation policy - - Via your stated cancellation policy it is likely that 50% of the remaining days will be refunded.

2 - Your relationship with the sitter. If this is a regular client and you want to extend them the courtesy of having no penalty charge, you can contact Rover and refund the balance of their stay (or simply decrease their charge the next time they book a stay).


I agree with Carmen, and would add a third consideration: 1. Cancellation policy 2. Relationship between sitter/client - may result in waived cancellation policy 3. If this booking precluded the sitter accepting other bookings And the reason for an early return