Sue C.'s profile

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answered a question Is it OK to bathe with my dog?

I wouldn't worry about disease, but you shouldn't bathe your dog much more than once a month. You'll dry out skin and coat. They also need dog shampoo. Different alkalinity for them. Plus you're encouraging a bad habit. Good luck.

answered a question What are some at-home remedies for dogs with mild separation anxiety?

Thunder shirt?

commented question My 9 month old rescue pees in the house more when we're home than when we're away. Why?

Are you Sure she's not going when you're not home? Although puppies do go more often, she is old enough to hold it all usually. Make sure she doesn't have any kind infection. Bladder? Also is she going in the same spot inside?

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answered a question Why does my dog pee when greeted?

You didn't say how old your Doxie is. Puppies usually outgrow this with bladder control and gained confidence through proper training and socializing. If he is an adult, the belly band is probably the way to go -- for now. Even if you crate him during arrivals I suspect he pees once you let him out anyway. As mentioned above, this is Submissive Urination. Here are some tips & things to get started on asap.

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answered a question Recent contest?

Ok - thank you all. I just wondered how we got the prizes. I understand it may take them a bit to get to it all. June 14 is acceptable to me. FREE stuff! This is awesome. I also got a free packet of preprinted cards to promote my business in the mail today. They are just little perforated cards, but it's nice to have something to pass out if I meet someone who needs a sitter. Have fun spending your gift cards people! S

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asked a question Recent contest?

So I was entering the recent contest which resulted in the Tango gift cards. Was there anything stating when and how to collect our gift card winnings? Are they going to email us? There was supposed to be some kind of code. If you know when or how we are going to collect the gift cards, please let me know. Sue

commented question I can't update profile from iphone

I have no problem with my iphone4s. Call customer service [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team]

answered a question How long does it take for me to actually get a dog

I know you wrote this a month ago, but you still have not done your Rover training or gotten a background check (it was free when I did it recently). Check your spelling and grammar. Cockapoo was spelled wrong, plus you state twice in a row about 30 years experience. Chances are you won't even get a request for sitting a pit bull, but if you do, you can turn in down. I wouldn't advertise to people that you are prejudiced against them. Personally I love them and have found them to be much better than lots of other breeds. I hope this doesn't come across as too harsh, but we need to help each other. Your rates are definitely cheap. You do need more pictures and maybe another couple of testimonies. Best of luck.

answered a question How do I mark a successful Meet and Greet?

What is the purpose of you wanting to note this? If you like the sitter and the dogs get along, then you just book the stay with your sitter. At the end they will send you a survey to tell everyone what you thought of the sitter.

answered a question Why do dogs eat cat food

The smell intrigues them. It is also higher in fat and protein as said above. I would HIGHLY recommend putting your cat food up somewhere the dog can't reach. This is not good for your dog long term. There is a reason there are separate dog foods and cat foods. I put my bowls up on a desk where the dogs can't reach it.

commented question more then one dog

Wow - you've got a houseful! What is a "pitiful"?? You may want to send a msg to some of the sitters - since this is an unusual circumstance. They may give a special rate. Mine is $25 first and $10 second, but I've never had a request for six. Good luck - S

answered a question Promo Code?

I'm would encourage you to call Rover support for assistance with this. You can contact them at [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team].

answered a question What more can I do to get clients?

Hi Jaymee - I also looked at your profile. I would suggest a Lot more pics. I also couldn't even find your profile when doing a search for your area? I'm not sure why, but make sure all of your info is correct for your area. I tried Vancouver, WA and Marrion, Vancouver, WA and your profile was not listed with the 40? other profiles on there. I would highly suggest lowering your rates until you get established. They seemed high for the area compared to those who have a lot of reviews and experience. Best wishes and luck for you.

received badge  Enthusiast
commented question what is the procedure with pet's food?

Talk details about this when booking the client. Always tell the owner to bring their food and find out feeding schedule. Try to get in touch with the owners for right brand. Otherwise you will probably have a mess on your hands. Bill their acct/paypal. Maybe they forgot or didn't know better?

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answered a question I am new to this

The above responder is correct that it's no big deal for time to run out. When they do accept it, they will have to pay Rover right then within the 72 hours. Rover holds onto the money until the stay is over, so you will not see the money until after the pet parents return home. So I wait until right before they are about leave town so they don't have to pay too far ahead (and you won't see it any earlier anyway). I would also Highly recommend a Meet & Greet to make sure everyone gets along and is on the same page. Best of luck and have fun! Sue

received badge  Editor (source)
answered a question Customer asked me to sign the contract.

Hi Phyllis - My first customer actually did that too. She had a contract from a previous pet sitter that she used. I signed it and everything went just fine, but in hindsight the Rover site is for that reason. Rover provides insurance and emergency care if need be. If I sit for them again I will not sign another contract. The one I did sign was for the specified time of their stay. Most of it was details about their care, but the end did say something about me taking care of expenses and whatnot if anything happened to her dogs. I'm not sure if your client was sketchy or not, but mine was just very detail oriented. good luck! Sue

answered a question Can we find out what breed our dog is without the expensive bloodtest?

Probably not. The Wisdom Panel DNA dog breed kit is $63.99 on Amazon as of right now.

commented question Rover on your resume?

I would say -only if it's relevant to the job you are applying for - or if you have very little job experience.

answered a question Meet and greet safety

If you have your own dog(s), you should always meet on neutral territory anyway. Just meet on your block during daylight hours, at the end of your street or a nearby park for a "pack walk" to see how the dog acts. Or even just a walk with their dog to get acquainted.
If you feel safe, you can invite them in to see if the dog is ok in your home. (you always want to see how that goes - I had one potential client bring their un-neutered dogs (they didn't read my entire profile) and the one dog peed on Everything in site within 10 minutes. Uh, sorry - not a match.)

answered a question How do you get a dog to not jump or sniff you when approaching them

How old is the dog? Has she been through any training with her dog? That "should be" her job, but the best thing to do is just Ignore the dog totally until it leaves You alone. Turn your body sideways or backwards to the dog and just don't move until the dog gets down on the ground. (as an experienced dog trainer, I find that grabbing their paws just encourages the behavior to return - many dogs see the grabbing as a game or positive attention). Once the dog is on the ground turn back towards them. If they stay off, then put your hand under their chin / by their chest and pet / reward them for being down on the ground. No sniffing? That's almost impossible. That's like a doggie handshake. They like to know who you are, where you've been and if you're worthy of their attention - lol. I hope this helps.

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commented question Does anyone make their own dog food?

Be Very careful to do your research. Dogs need certain things, so if you are going to make their meals, they will need specific vitamins, minerals and supplements.

answered a question Does anyone make their own dog food?

Be Very careful to do your research. Dogs need certain things, so if you are going to make their meals, they will need specific vitamins, minerals and supplements.

answered a question Should I be worried about the "reverse sneeze"?

Probably nothing to worry about. Could be allergies or excitement. My Papillon (not flat nose) used to get them. Ask your vet on next visit, but probably not anything to be concerned about.

asked a question Rover car magnets

I see we can buy Rover magnets to put on our car doors. Has anyone used these to advertise? If so, did you get any business from them? Are they worth $39?

answered a question how to get a returning dog to pee/poop outside instead of on my carpets?

Definitely crate or confine the dog to a small area. Clearly not properly house broken. Make sure you Fully clean any soiled areas with pet cleaners with enzymes (like Natures Miracle). Must saturate down to padding and let dry with fan for couple days. House cleaning products (ie: Oxy won't do the trick). Go to pet store for cleaners.

answered a question meet and greets

Laura had a great answer. Dogs should never be allowed to sniff nose to nose (on leash) for more than a couple seconds. Never let two over excited or pushy dogs just rush each other. Immediately start walking side by side. Butt sniffing is the dog version of a handshake, but has much more detail for dogs. They can tell if other dog is happy, stressed, sick or other through the smell of their urine.

answered a question how do you get a custom url

Did you find it? As stated above, it should be on your dashboard.

answered a question Do you stand behind the sitters that don't get paid by the dog owner?

If you make sure to complete the booking Before the dog arrives, the money will be available the day after stay is complete. You need to do the Booking several days before the stay. Owner has 72 hours to book and pay. Rover keeps the money until stay is over. What happened? ? Good luck. Sue

received badge  Teacher (source)
answered a question Tipping your dog sitter

I would agree that a tip is a bonus. It would be great to get them, but I don't expect them. To me it's shocking how many people don't tip their groomers! It's just like getting your own hair done except the groomers have to worry about biting, wiggling, barking, etc... They are true artists in my opinion. I'm not sure why some jobs seem to be tipped and others not, but I charge my daily rate and that's good enough for me. (Tips or gifts always appreciated). S