
Does anyone have a homemade dog cookie recipe that they like best?

I bake homemade dog cookies for dogs who stay with us. We use a recipe that allows us to use cookie cutters. Does anyone have a recipe that they use and like and will share?

5 Answers

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I've been making dog cookies a lot more recently (I accidentally one-touch purchased some paw print baking tins!), and I've been using the basic recipe of 1 cup oats, 2 cups whole wheat flour, whatever combination of flavorings I decide to use (peanut butter, chopped apple, egg, chicken broth, shaved carrot, yogurt), topped off with water to the desired consistency. Bake at 350 for 10-12 mins.

They don't have any preservatives, and they come out fairly soft and chewy, so they either need to be used within 2-3 days or kept in an open container or else they will start to mold.


I keep my homemade treats in a sealed container in the fridge, and never had any mold issues. The favorite treats my "test kitchen dogs" and my Rover clients have been Raspberry Hearts, and Fall Bites...both from published books. I do make a simple peanut butter/wheat flour/water treat and cut it into dog bone shapes...surprised that most dogs love them when they're so bland!

I'm going to try the adding the oats! Great idea! I'm curious about raspberry hearts...are there raspberries inside? Can't wait to test them on tomorrow's furry friend!

Yes, I use (thawed from frozen) organic raspberries. The recipe came from a class I took for home -made dog treats taught by a canine nutritionist and author Kate Baumann. Her canine cookbook can be purchased at Amazon here:


Rover just posted a blog article with fun Valentines dog treats:


I've tried a bunch of different recipes with my Edith and our guests and I always end up coming back to the simplest because it's always a hit! I've even had clients ask if I would sell them, but I happily give away the recipe because I love the idea that we can all easily make healthy, yummy, preservative-free treats for so much cheaper than you can get them at the store.

My cookies literally only have 2 ingredients (unless you count water):

-- flour (I always use a grain-free variety to avoid common allergens -- usually some combination of brown rice flour, quinoa flour, and/or chick pea flour)

-- all natural peanut butter (I always buy the fresh-ground, nothing-but-ground-peanuts kind from the grocery deli -- no need to add a bunch of extra oil or sugar)

-- hot water

I usually eye ball my ingredients (this is a very forgiving recipe) -- I'd say about 3 parts flour, 1 part peanut butter, 1 part hot water.

In a stand mixer, mix together flour and peanut butter. Once combined, slowly add hot water just until dough forms. Roll out on floured surface, cut with your choice of cookie cutter, and bake at 375 until golden brown.

They're super simple, but VERY popular with the pups (Edith knows when I'm making them and conveniently posts herself in the kitchen until they're ready to be sampled) and seem to store remarkably well as long as they're totally cooked through. I keep them in an airtight container with a silica packet on my counter top and I've had them for as long as 2 weeks with no issue.


I found several recipes on Pinterest. I substitute tapioca flour for regular flour (it's gluten free). You just have to use a little more than the recipe calls for.


I found a hypoallergenic treat recipe on that all of the dogs who I've given it to loved it! I originally went looking for a good allergen-free recipe at Christmas time to make some for my brother's dogs, who are picky and allergic to a variety of things, they both loved them, as did my parents dogs, and my boyfriend's family dogs.

I print the recipe off and keep it with me when I go to meet and greets, Pet parent's love knowing that I made the treats! It's Super simple!

  • 1 Cup Rice Flour
  • ½ Cup Oatmeal
  • ½ Cup Almond Butter
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Tbsp. Water

Preheat oven to 350˚.

In a bowl combine all ingredients except the water and mix until thoroughly combined. Add water a teaspoon at a time until a dough comes together.

Roll the dough out to ¼ inch thickness on a floured surface and cut into desired shapes.

Bake at 350˚ until slightly browned on the bottoms, about 12 minutes.

Remove and let cool. Store in an airtight container.