
Is there any way for multiple people to receive updates for the same stay?

While I'm the one who booked our dog's stay, it would be great if my wife could also see the messages (including photos/videos) from our sitter. It would also be great if she could send messages back to our sitter in the same way I can.

I've scoured the site/app and it doesn't seem to be possible now, so I've ended up just sharing the same account with my wife during our trip.

3 Answers

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To my mind, we also need to have a set of stairs to prevent the baby from climbing the (baby gates) when he is walking. On the web we have some of these products you can refer


Indeed Deb has the right idea. You always want to give the sitter both numbers just in case they can't reach you on one of them. Also the sitter can create a group text and send updates and pics to anyone attached to the group.


Sharing the account is one option some of my clients have used. Another option some of my clients prefer is to give me their & their spouse's phone numbers. That way, I can send messages with photos to both.
Of course, you could always suggest it to Rover Support as a future enhancement idea too.