
Do you censor dog photos? [closed]

How much do you edit guest pup photos before sending? Rover posted has some cute shots - my favorite is the well placed (hopefully empty) coffee cup

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Deb A.
close date 2016-10-09 12:04:46.865616

3 Answers

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OMG! How childish and absurd! This takes American prudishness to a new level. :-(

Even labeling the article "dog modesty" is absurd as well, considering how dogs are not the least bit modest about their junk or what we term their "privates." I'm guessing the people putting modesty stickers on the dogs are prudes. Owners wouldn't be shocked at seeing their dogs' privates, so who is it really for?


I have not edited photos in that way before either. I still think the coffee cup looked clever, but more the same way it would look cute, but not be as safe, if the dog was having a plate of doughnuts (as in a coffee break).

I like cute and clever photos too and do some special Photoshopped pics for owners for certain occasions. In the case of the coffee cup (or your cute idea about the doughnuts), I would never have known the intention was to cover up the dog's genitals. That is fine, unlike the sticker pics.


Haha wow, that's the first time I've seen anything like that. I have not edited photos that drastically. Usually if I'm not entirely comfortable with a picture, I just don't send it. This happened to me once, where there was a really cute picture of my dog cuddling with a Rover guest, but his head was right in the other dogs groin, and the other dog was also a boy. I decided not to send that one and just took more snuggle pictures the next evening.


I edit photos for lighting, coloring, clarity, contrast, framing, etc, but not for modesty. I'd never consider editing out any part of a dog's anatomy - there's no point. Dogs aren't modest. I don't need to impose any moral guidelines on them.