
How do you stop a dog from putting holes in the wall?

My dog, Watson is scratching at my walls. I have come to the conclusion that he does it more towards the end of the day. Sometimes it is so bad that he goes right through the dry wall in my apartment. I am at work when he does this, so I feel that I cannot properly correct the behavior. He does not do this everyday and lately not at all; knock on wood, but I am looking for any help you can give me. I have been trying different "toys" to keep him occupied all day but he does not seem to be interested or they only occupies him briefly. He cannot be kenneled because he has been diagnosed with kennel anxiety and I have not been successful with that either.

Thanks for your help! Sarah


depending on the breed some need more exercise than others. best advice would be to exercise the dog prior to leaving to work. also, if you look online you can find HDPE panels that can guard your walls from being damaged

3 Answers

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depending on the breed some need more exercise than others. best advice would be to exercise the dog prior to leaving to work. also, if you look online you can find HDPE panels that can guard your walls from being damaged


I'd suggest you and Watson might benefit from letting him try out doggy day care if you can find a nearby sitter who understands dogs with anxiety and will be home with him (at their home or yours). From your profile, it sounds like he would do better having canine friends or a human companion around.


Thanks Dec. A human companion would be better, but I am having a hard time finding a match

Sorry to hear that. If you think he'd do best w/a human, perhaps a walker who's willing to spend a bit of extra time may work, or a half day sitter. Sounds like you're already considered other sitters here...maybe check out competitor sites? or ask a neighbor who's retired/works from home?


I agree with Deb. If supervision and confinement aren't options, then you're unlikely to find any miracle answers. Even if you can prevent damage to the walls, he'll still be anxious when you're gone and will likely redirect his attention elsewhere, like furniture. Anxiety is a tough one, but it can be helped. More/more intense exercise (especially right before you have to leave) can help. Puzzle toys like you're providing are a great idea, but an anxious dog is unlikely to be in the mood unless you can help him feel more relaxed when you leave first. Depending on how big he is, maybe an X-pen would be more effective than a kennel, especially if you can condition him to feel safe and happy in there.

Practice your entrances and exits so he no longer feels that you leaving is the first sign of the apocalypse -

But while you're working on all that, it's best if you can eliminate the situations where he's able to be destructive. You want him to have a complete break from that anxiety and stress (as much as possible). If you're able to bring him with you or have him go to a sitter/daycare, do it as much as possible.