
Are there any toys/things I can get him to do that aren't food related?

My dog has a lot of energy. We give him bully sticks and treats in toys to distract him but he goes through those fast and I don't like to give him too many treats because he is a pound overweight. I try to get him to chew on plastic bones , but he looses interest fast. By the way, he is mostly beagle so I know that is why he is food driven. But are there any other ideas out there?

4 Answers

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Yes you can use any toys that your dog likes and use that or give him affection instead of using food.


Have you tried agility? There are some reasonably priced, small agility kits out there (tunnel, hurdle, weave poles, etc). I got one from a while back. My dogs love it!


My dog loved racquetballs! They are more durable than tennis balls. He would pop them out of his mouth and chase them. Also try stuffed snimals, kongs, and squeaky toys.


Some of the dental chews are non-edible but still have a flavoring to keep your dog interested. Fetch or tug may also be right up his alley, being a hunting dog. He might like a flirt pole as well.