
Why is my dog's breath so bad?

My dog has bad breath even though she eats quality food and is healthy.

4 Answers

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Most doggie breath isn't very pleasant. You can start off by buying milk bones that are made to help control odor. If that doesn't work you can try buying a dog toothbrush and cleaning their teeth.


Just like us, dogs will have bad breath due to bacteria. It's normal. There are some really nice water additives that do a great job to eliminate this.

While most bad breath is normal, in rare occasions, this can be a sign of internal / organ failure or disease. If you have ever owned older pets who begin to die, you will remember the smell because it is very recognizable. Vets usually know immediately if an older pet has begun organ failure due to the characteristics of the smell.

Marie S., M.S.Ed


Please do not give your dogs milk bones trying to help clean their teeth. Raw meaty bones will help your pup scrape tartar and build up off of their teeth. Your dog could also be genetically prone to tooth decay which will cause bad breath. If you are concerned about your pups breath and teeth, please seek a veterinarians advice.


Some dogs just have bad teeth. Some breeds (like greyhounds) are more prone to it than others, but any dog can just get the short stick. Having your vet take a look and do a full cleaning may help you track down the issue. You might also want to check out some of the dental sprays/foams or water additives out there for helping with her breath between brushings.