
Why do dogs eat grass?

And is it safe/healthy? My dog will occasionally eat grass, and I don't understand why.


Dogs eat grass to help them regurgitate something that i upsetting their stomach or to ease a stomach ache. Even cats will eat grass for the same reason. to them it's like us eating a peppermint for a tummy ache.

2 Answers

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For some dogs, it seems to be something they do when their stomachs are upset - sometimes it makes them feel better, sometimes it prompts them to vomit up whatever is bothering them. Some dogs just do it all the time. Both of mine graze constantly and it never seems to correspond with how they're feeling.

If your dog seems to be doing it mostly when he/she isn't feeling well, you can get some charcoal treats that can help settle his/her stomach.


ive heard it settles their stomachs