
When dogs become agressive towards you how do you approach them?

Hello, sitters has anyone had a situation on a sitting job when the dogs are like that? Thanks for helping.

2 Answers

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These other threads may help you:

Basically, most dogs get aggressive because they feel threatened and afraid. Some dogs become aggressive when they have a medical issue. Very few dogs are aggressive because they enjoy it--it's just a way to get scary things to go away and leave them alone. In these instances you need to keep yourself safe, and if possible, show the dog you are not a threat. Spend time near the dog, but outside the range where he/she reacts aggressively. Move slowly, speak calmly, and ignore the dog so they become more comfortable with you near them. Don't push their boundaries; you want to prove you are safe to be around, and pushing them to accept you when they aren't ready will break any trust they have. If you aren't comfortable with the situation, contact the owner and Rover and do what you need to do to prevent any injuries to you or the dog until other arrangements can be made.


It's hard for me to offer advice without more info. What specifically is the dog doing?

In general, if the dog is fearful, try to be as non-threatening as you can -- crouch down, talk softly, don't look him directly in the eye. If you need to put a leash on, approach slowly and don't lean over the dog. Have the handle end of the leash in a loop and put over the dog's head.

I don't feel comfortable giving suggestions for dominance aggression because I'm not there seeing what the dog is doing and I don't want you to get hurt. You probably should contact the owner and let them know the dog is being aggressive and hopefully they know how to handle him and can tell you what to do. You can also call Rover Support and explain to them what exactly the dog is doing and hopefully they can give advice.