
What does “your sitter is away” mean? Has the sitter stopped working with Rover?

I don’t see the sitter on listings of available sitters, even though we are booked with them this weekend

2 Answers

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Have you actually messaged the sitter you booked with or are you just trying to see what she's up to? Any sitter can set her account to "away" and she is not required to inform her clients that she is no longer planning on working on Rover. If you are booked with her, it would make sense she's going to babysit your pets. Your best option is to COMMUNICATE with her directly. I always send a message a week/few days/day before the date to just check in with clients or sitters. You should always check in with them too. Don't just book a stay and then stop your communication and then just show up the day of the sitting. Communicate with your sitter.


I’d suggest calling Rover staff at tel:888-453-7889. Since this is a Booked stay, they can likely provide more information and/or transfer this booking to another sitter. Of Course, if you had considered another sitter or have any preferences/input into the decision, let them know who you would like if they’re available.