
Is there a phone number for help to new sitter questions?

Is there a phone number for help to questions that are NOT covereed on your site? I am new and would like to know if there's a way to sign up for CATS not just dogs? I also suggest if you don't want to talk to your sitters, that you create some videos explaining your system. Just don't understand why companies like yours won't provide personal help, especially to newcomers. Maybe when a new sitter signs up, then can have 30-60 minutes to ask questions -- just a suggestion.

Thank you - and I didn't mean this to be negative - just asking...

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Is there a phone number for help to questions that are NOT covered on your site? Sorry but the answer is no for just new sitters but you can always call Customer Support 888-453-7889

is here's a way to sign up for CATS, not just dogs? Yes, when creating your sitter profile you can choose to care for cats and not dogs

Rover support for the sitter community has long been lacking, thanks for the good suggestions


That number won't work in UK