
**Urgent!** Can anyone board a puppy tonight and tomorrow night (September 4th-6th)? [closed]


I was just contacted by a nurse who is new to the Whitemarsh Island/Savannah area who is looking for someone to watch her 1 year 2 month old terrier/bloodhound/boxer/lab mix puppy Friday night and Saturday night. He recently had a medical scare and the mom doesn't want to leave him alone while she's at work on night shift. She mentioned in her booking request with me that she has tried contacting many other sitters but that no one has responded yet.

If anyone can watch her puppy I can send her a link to your profile so you can connect!

Thanks in advance

Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by Melissa
close date 2020-09-05 10:37:59.378702


I don't know what you are reading into the answers. It appears you think they are either not helpful or mean in some way. They were not intended to be. As for a "community," there isn't an active one where all Rover participants go on a regular basis. Rover has never had a place for Wanted type ads.

1 Answer

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You need help from Rover support, they rarely come here. Call 888-453-7889


I had already sent a message to Support, I posted this question here in case a sitter saw it and was able to help.

Sending a message to Customer Service won't get quick results. You need to call them on the phone, as Walt suggested.

It wasn't an emergency, just urgent. So much for there being community on the community page.