
Pit bull bans?

Hello fellow sitters,

Our city has an ordinance that bans all "pit bull dogs." The penalties are pretty severe, and the (very few) owners who are grandfathered-in under this ordinance have to carry a $300,000 liability policy on each dog.

I think pit bulls have an undeserved reputation. I've never met one I didn't love (there are no bad dogs!) However, the law is the law. If anyone has a similar situation, where and how do you state this on your profile? I want to be clear with dog owners, but I want to be as polite and gentle about it as I can.


3 Answers

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All you have to state on your profile is that "due to local laws, you cannot accept any pit bulls. Sorry."


I wish my city would ban pitbulls. Sorry, but I think their reputation is well-deserved. I have witnessed them "in action" several times. I see behavior from them that I just never see from other breeds.


You would state the fact as is and provide a link to the said ordinance if need be.

It is an undeserved attention and I can affirm that as an owner myself. My pitbull is given lots of affection, exercise, and playtime but also severely reprimanded for bad behavior by both of us at home. Problematic pitbulls come from owners who do not know how to handle them. A dog cannot be the leader of the pack. Period. The owner is and should always be the leader of the pack- this must be made very clear to the dog in question, any dog in general but pitbulls in particular. I have to admit that pitbulls are more stubborn than other breeds but they are super eager to please and are excellent guard dogs for the house as well as children. That said, I understand why a city would ban them (though I am surprised such a thing can be done)- because there is no way to control how people raise and handle dogs. Pitbulls are very aggressive when not handled well.