
Additional background check requested by dog owner?

I just had a new request come in from someone who lives in an apartment. The profile seems pretty normal and our interaction so far has not been suspicious. However, she says that in order for her landlord to issue an extra set of keys, they need to do another background check on me. Right now the only info she has requested is my name, email, and phone number. Does this seem like a legitimate request? My first instinct is to wait until after a meet and greet to give any personal info. Advice is appreciated!

2 Answers

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Never give your information to someone who you haven't met. Ask them to agree to a meet and greet. If everything goes well then consider giving more information if you feel safe. Personally, I never give out anything beyond my phone number in case of an emergency. I paid extra for the enhanced background check and have references. If that doesn't give an owner some soliditary, then they probably aren't worth the hastle.


Do NOT give out any personal information, not even email and phone number. Refer them to Rover Customer Service.