
Has anyone added a "cleaning fee" to their profile for dogs who consistently mark or go to the bathroom inside?

I am home full time and am letting the dogs out regularly and frequently but over the last month have gotten a lot of dogs that mark and are just straight up peeing/pooping in the house. I've started asking more specifically about these behaviors during meet and greets and have sent the owners messages about the behaviors and almost all of them deny that this is normal behavior for their dogs. Has anyone added "if your dog marks or has an accident in the house there will be a $$ cleaning fee"? Getting very frustrated...

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*Interesting that this question from 2019 somehow got revitalized with the previous answers wiped out.

It would be great if rover streamlined this with a cost adjustment field, much like they did in recent years for extended / additional hours for bookings.

It’s fairly common that it’s one of the most frustrating things that a new pet sitter would not necessarily expect upfront, until the damage to your home already starts happening. It seems many sitters try to present it in a way that will result in the pet owner not becoming defensive & lashing out with a negative review and giving a larger cash tip in compensation upon return.

Of course, sitters can let the pet owner know what’s happening (in a way that doesn't communicate frustration) and they may share information that addresses reason why and sitters can mitigate damage inside home with baby gates, indoor playpen areas, belly bands, and diapers...but it’s often unforeseen before damage occurs.


I had a repeat dog that was dropped off once and started pooping inside without warning. It hadn’t been an issue before, He’s perfectly potty trained but these poops were pure liquid so I figured he was sick. I reached out to the owner and let them know he was having accidents inside and how bad they were and turns out they had forgotten to mention they had switched his food and noticed his upset stomach the morning before. Since the cleanup was pretty intense (6 large runny accidents over the span of 12 hours) and they didn’t warn me about it, I made a list of the cleaning supplies I had used and rounded up about 3 or 4 $ for the hassle, (which rounded up to about 25$) and added that onto the service. The dog was only with me for one night so I wouldn’t charge more than the cost of the original service, but if he was with me for longer I would charge more. Hope that helps!