
How do I add rates for late pick ups to my profile?

My first booking was 12 hours beyond the pick up time on the boarding. I charged additionally for day care but the client was not happy and did not leave a review. My second booking, the owner did not return for another day. I feel that he knew this in advance, but to save money, was going to let his dog go without his meal that last day. I got a good review but feel this is wrong. I did not feel right about knowingly letting the dog go without and did another visit at no charge. This 3rd booking is running 4 hours beyond pick up time for the boarding. I am tied down while this pet is in my charge. I want to be able to post late pick up charges in my rates so that I am not taken advantage of.


Is there really a way to make them pay for a late pick up? I go over my policy at the meet and greet, but things happen when people travel or they can be dishonest. I'm not strict about a 24hr mark but 6-8 hours is too long. But after the stay is booked, the owner doesn't HAVE to agree to a change..

4 Answers

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You can always add your rates to your about me section on your profile, but as many will tell you, most folks don't read or retain everything a sitter writes. Drop-off and pickup times should be discussed during the M&G and agreed upon before you accept the booking, but that doesn't always work. Your situation happens to most sitters so the best advice I can give you is to present to your client a 1-page price list and make note of the extra charges should they over-run the booking times.


Put your rules right upfront in your profile, especially about dropoff and pickup times, late charges, etc. There's no guarantee that any client is going to read but at least it is in writing. I also think Walt's idea of handing out the information on paper is a great idea.

I've never had one single client try to take advantage of me. I get their dropoff and pickup times at the beginning and make it clear that how the billing goes. If they are leaving early in the morning but returning in the evening, I frequently tell them to drop off the dog the night before, mainly because I don't allow super early dropoffs, it really benefits them not having to rush around that morning, and the billing works out better because I don't have a daycare option.

I do allow my customers a few hours leeway, usually 2 hours. But I've never told them this because I would expect them to push the limits otherwise. LOL!

Just get the info down BEFORE accepting and the client paying for the service so you can adjust the invoice if necessary. if the client shows up 12 hours later, send them a new invoice for daycare or entire full day of boarding, which I would do because that exceeds my limits for daycare as well.

In the case of the nonpaid drop-in, I wouldn't have done it. You weren't covered by Rover if anything happened. I know it sounds callous, but you should never provide services when the client hasn't explicitly paid for them.


First, never do an unpaid drop in. Not only are you not covered by Rover's guarantees, you are technically trespassing. Lastly, there is nothing serious about a dog missing a meal.

To address and prevent future problems, I'll give you my "recipe"

  1. On your profile info, list something like what I have..., "Please note my rate structure, as Rover does not currently have ability to list it properly: BOARDING - (insert daily rates here.) A boarding day is a 24-hour time period. Your drop-off time is your pick-up time. We give a grace period of up to (X) hours past that. Pick up times past that will incur a rate of (your selected rate, usually a daycare rate).

  2. When you get a request, AT THAT TIME ask for requested drop-off/pick-up times. They'll probably be an am drop off, pm pick up. You can then say something like, that'll work. Those times will incur a late pick up fee of $. Please read the details about that in my profile info, as well as my policies. Would you like to schedule a MnG?

  3. At the MnG....go over the do/pu times, (once again) explain how your policy works, find out what they want, and RIGHT THEN AND THERE modify the booking to add the rate. Works for me every single time.


1. Hi. This is exactly what I need to do. Almost everyone I board overnight drops off mornings and picks up afternoon-late night. I have felt resentful for giving away full days. I think Rover should just program the system to calculate it by requiring clients to enter times when they book.

2. Then they could have a grace period and Rover could add the daycare fee. I want to add this info into my profile now but I can’t seem to figure out where in the profile to put it. If possible, could you please help me locate a spot? Thanks!!


Communicate your rates ,and pick up drop off at the meet and greet. Remind them of your cancellation or late fees at this time. I do that and so far no major issues to deal with. I always ask for the drop off and pick up times. I text a "hope you had a great vacation text, Fluffy is doing great..." and ask if they are going to be home around the suggested time etc...then you have a heads up on what is happening, and can plan for it the morning of pick up.