
Reporting earnings receiv3d PayPal?

I know that I must report all earnings over $600.
I received my rover payments through PayPal and they say they do not issue a 1099 unless the amount is $20,000. I know I have to report these earnings but don’t be receiving a 1099. Nayine have any insight in this area? Thanks


I file my taxes on turbo tax and there is a self employed income option and you’ll see it says Schedule C. You just enter in your service and income for the year. It’s pretty easy. They’ll also give you the option to take the money you owe out of your tax return which is nice.

2 Answers

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I had the same issue - PayPal requires either to have hit $25,000 or 200 transactions. I transfer my payments over at the end of each month.


You don't need to supply a 1099 with your tax return. You enter your earnings on Schedule C.

If you go to your Dashboard, under Payment History, you will see your earnings from Rover. That is what you will use in filing your taxes.

Do a search here on taxes and you will find numerous questions and answers, plus useful advice about reporting both your income and business expenses.